This software is implemented in C and it requires the following libraries:
- Openmp: To parallelize the software.
- ATLAS: Linear algebra package with standard routines.
You can download LIBIRWLS:
- Directly from this link
- From the Github repository hosting service using the git command line:
- git clone git://
If you have any installation problem you can se an example of a correct installation for Ubuntu here. If that doesn't solve you problem, please, report the issue here.
Linux, Unix
- Ubuntu, Debian, Slackware and other linux distributions using the Advanced Package Tools:
The Advanced Package Tool, or APT, is a free software user interface that works with core libraries to handle the installation and removal of software on some Linux distributions. If gcc is not installed, use the following command line:
- sudo apt-get install build-essential
To install the linear algebra routines use the following command line:
- sudo apt-get install libatlas-base-dev
- If you have any Linux or Unix distribution with no apt-get support you need to download ATLAS from the official repository and install it following the instructions that are detailed in the file INSTALL.txt. If you are impatient, for a basic installation on a 64 bits computer, this is the basic outline:
- tar -xvjf atlas3.10.2.tar.bz2
- cd ATLAS
- mkdir my_build_dir
- cd my_build_dir
- ../configure -b 64 --prefix=/installation/directory # Tell the installation directory
- make # tune and compile library
- make check # perform sanity tests
- make ptcheck # checks of threaded code for multiprocessor systems
- make time # provide performance summary as % of clock rate
- make install # copy the library in the installation directory
You need to run make in the library folder to build LIBIRWLS. If you have installed atlas using apt-get:
If you have manually installed ATLAS, you must tell the installation directory.
- make ATLASDIR=/installation/directory
LIBIRWLS contains windows static executable files that were precompiled for 64bits instances. These executables are static so no extra packages are needed.
The source code has been precompiled for windows and executable files are in the "windows" folder.
Mac OS X
The default compiler installed in OS X is clang. It currently doesn't work with openmp. We can install gcc using Homebrew or Macports:
- Homebrew: Install homebrew using the following command line:
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
and then install gcc using the command line:
brew install gcc --without-multilib
- Macports: Install macports and then install gcc using the following command line:
sudo port install gcc49
OS X has its own accelerated algebra standard routines. The name of this library is veclib and it is composed by two files:
- libBLAS.dylib
- libLAPACK.dylib
These files are in the directory:
This library will look for the library in that directory. Check that both files are there. If they are in a diferent path, look for them using the command "find" and note the folder for the next step:
- sudo find / -name "libBLAS.dylib"
You must use the make command using the following parameters:
- OSX: A boolean variable that indicates that you are using OS X operating system.
- CC: The path of the gcc compiler that you have installed (macports install software under the path /opt/local/bin/ and homebrew under /usr/local/Cellar/).
- VECLIBDIR: To path of veclib if it is not in the default directory.
Then you can use the make command, for example:
- If you have installed gcc 6 using Homebrew:
- make OSX=1 CC=/usr/local/Cellar/gcc/6.2.0/bin/gcc-6
- If you have installed gcc 6 using Homebrew and veclib is in a different directory called /veclib/directory then:
- make OSX=1 CC=/usr/local/Cellar/gcc/6.2.0/bin/gcc-6 VECLIBDIR=/veclib/directory