LAY2FORM (European H2020 project under grant agreement No 768710)LAY2FORM will create a new cost-effective multistage manufacturing platform based on flexible machinery concepts, cognitive automation, inline monitoring and inspection, as well as simulation and modelling, enabling the efficient integration of unconventional technologies (laser and ultrasound) in established composites-based processes, namely tape-laying and hot-forming, to enable the production of multifunctional 3D hybrid parts from thin layered metals and thermoplastic-matrix composites. Framed by an end-to-end engineering approach, LAY2FORM will shorten the design and manufacturing cycle time and improve reliability, presenting a substantial potential to, in the middle term, turn the manufacturing of complex and intricate hybrid composite-metal parts highly cost competitive. The enhanced LAY2FORM manufacturing system will be a system of systems, containing the enabling process modules and digital sub-systems to create a continuous and automated manufacturing chain. Moreover, LAY2FORM will apply an integrated and systemic approach to implement full manufacturing routes and create new value chains, from materials conditioning to materials disassembly, being a robust basis for the efficient production of hybrid lightweight structures. The multidisciplinary approach proposed in LAY2FORM comprises a complex interconnection of leading R&I topics to develop an industrially-feasible and competitive manufacturing platform, compatible with the Industry 4.0 vision..
RAMSES (European H2020 project under grant agreement No 700326)The Internet has become a key piece of any business activity. Criminal activity is not an exception. Some crimes previous to the Internet, such as thefts and scams, have found in the Internet the perfect tool for developing their activities. The Internet allows criminals hiding their real identity and the possibility to purchase specific tools for stealing sensitive data with a very low investment.
The overall objective of RAMSES is to design and develop a holistic, intelligent, scalable and modular platform for Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) to facilitate digital Forensic Investigations. The system will extract, analyse, link and interpret information extracted from Internet related with financially-motivated malware.
Customers, developers and malware victims will be included in order to obtain a better understanding of how and where malware is spread and to get to the source of the threat. To achieve these ambitious objectives, this project will rely on disruptive Big Data technologies to firstly extract and storage, and secondly look for patterns of fraudulent behaviour in enormous amounts of unstructured and structured data. We will focus on 2 case studies: ransomware and banking Trojans.
In order to this, RAMSES brings together the latest technologies to develop an intelligent software platform, combining scraping of public and deep web, detecting manipulation and steganalysis for images and videos, tracking malware payments, extraction and analysis of malware samples and Big Data analysis and visualizations tools.
Validation pilots will take place in three different EU countries (Portugal, Belgium and Spain) being the first a mono-LEA pilot in each site and the second a collaborative investigation pilot between several LEAs.
Unity (European H2020 project under grant agreement No 653729)The Unity vision is to strengthen the connection between the police and the diverse communities they serve to maximise the safety and security of all citizens. The end-user focus of Unity shall identify best practices in Community Policing (CP) through primary and secondary research to enhance cooperation between Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) and citizens through the development and live pilot demonstrations of technological tools in six EU member states that facilitate, strengthen and accelerate community and LEAs communications. These tools shall be amplified and supported by the design and delivery of CP training and awareness raising activities to LEAs, citizens and community partners, including online virtual communities. Unity will provide LEAs with a new CP model and shared framework of governance and enabling tools and technology to support closer cooperation for greater, more effective and efficient and more inclusive CP.
Semangnition: Herramienta para el reconocimiento semántico de contenido de documentación clínica, con número de Identificación ITC-20151099, actuación subvencionada a través del Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico e Industrial (CDTI), y apoyada por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Mineco), cofinanciada con fondos FEDER a través del "Programa Operativo de Crecimiento Inteligente 2014-2020" en el marco de la convocatoria del año 2015 del procedimiento de concesión de subvenciones destinadas a fomentar la cooperación regional en Investigación y Desarrollo: Programa FEDER INNTERCONECTA. Esta actuación tiene por objeto el desarrollo de un sistema que permitirá dotar a los profesionales de la Salud de una herramienta que explote en su totalidad la información médica integrada en las historias clínicas, estructurando y analizando el contenido de las mismas y dando un soporte efectivo a la toma de decisiones con el que, hasta la fecha, no se contaba en los sistemas de Salud, tanto en el ámbito nacional como en el plano internacional.
Aprendizaje Automático Avanzado para Procesado de Señal y Datos. (TEC2008-02473/TEC) Entidad financiadora: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Dirección General de Programas y Transferencia de Conocimiento, dentro del VI Plan Nacional de Investigación Científica, desarrollo e innovación tecnológica 2008-2011. Investigador responsable: Ángel Navia Vázquez
ADAPTATIVIDAD E INTEGRACIÓN DE DECISIONES CON PESOS FUNCIONALES Entidad financiadora: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Entidades participantes: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Duración, desde: 01/01/2012 hasta: 31/12/2014. Investigador responsable: Anibal Ramón Figueiras Vidal
CAIMAN: Componentes Avanzados Inteligentes para Minería con Automatización de la iNserción para la iniciativa CENIT ITECBAN Empresa/Administración financiadora: Indra (Subcontratación del proyecto CENIT financiado por el CDTI y coordinado por Indra titulado “Infraestructura Tecnológica y Metodológica de Soporte para un Core Bancario: ITECBAN”)